Nov 23, 2008

One down One to go

Devyn Is The Short One, Not
Hurray! Last night Devyn came home from BYUI to have Thanksgiving at home. He was loaded down with dirty clothes and a ton of homework but I am just happy to have him here. You can't tell I have missed them. Derek will be home Tuesday night and my home will once again be filled with humor and sarcasm that follow them wherever they go. If you read Britany's blog, you read that her bitter due to her plans to spend her Christmas in Guatemala, means that she cannot go to the Carolina Liar concert. The sweet for me is I do. For me though I am looking forward to the band playing with them, The Airborne Toxic Event (where do they come up with these names). My husband regularly introduces me to these downloads called Alternative Times and I find a new favorite band regularly. Which is great since I get bored easily.

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