Dec 21, 2008

So, I know everyone who lives within a 5o mile radius is experiencing the same weather but today we tried to make the best of it. Kate had her heart set on a snowman, so all of us, even Grandma bundled up and set out to build our snowman. Unfortunately what we found was a thick sheet of ice covering the soft powdery snow, so we improvised, Kung Fu style. Did I mention I love my camera. We even left a beautiful (I guess you had to be there) ice sculpture next to our porch. Anyways we all had fun, even the dogs. Even though Ike kept slipping and falling, it didn't seem to bother him. Dad's truck bed was full almost to the top with snow. I guess he won't have to worry about putting any sand bags in the back to weight it down. The quads were out all day yesterday but today we kept it a little quieter. Last I heard we are going to have another 6 inches tonight. The worst snow since 1968. I wasn't even born then, wow. Soom we came in made hot coco and hot apple cider and worked on some crafts until we decided we should finally finish decorating the tree. We had a little trouble getting the star on top but we managed thanks to Devyn and ta da we are done. That is until Santa comes.
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1 comment:

Blondee and Lane said...

I love the pictures. I have enjoyed watching the kids ride the 4 wheelers in the snow these last couple days. I am going to miss you so much. You have a darling family. Please if you are ever near Idaho Falls call and we can meet for lunch or better yet we have plenty of bedrooms you could stay for awhile. Please keep in touch. Let us know where the boys are going on their missions and when.

Love ya, Cindy