Oct 13, 2008


I had the pleasure of spending this last weekend in Rexburg Idaho or during this time of year Iceburg visiting Devyn for Mothers Weekend. We had a good time freezing at an ultimate Frisbee game where I wore 3 shirts, 2 sweaters, 2 pairs of socks 2 hats and a wool coat and still froze. I don't envy the students at BYUI. I was there for there first snow. The family I stayed with found themselves picking apples at 10pm so they wouldn't be ruined by the frost. Saturday we were allowed to visit the dorms and I got to see the infamous orange plaid chair. It definently lived up to its expectations. Scary and orange. We also enjoyed a comedy show put on by some of the students. I laughed so hard, I had to hold my side the whole time. Saturday night we got all dress up and went to a mother son banquet. Drew and his mom and grandmother joined us. Drew was on crutches since he had been injured at a football game earlier that day. But he was a trooper and made it anyhow. We had a yummy dinner and a small presentation about how awesome we moms are. Devyn and a I opted out of the evening performance and went for hot choclate instead. It was nice to have some alone time to chat. We topped of the weekend by going to sacrament meeting with the boys Sunday morning and then left for the airport. The drive to the airport was long but much better that 13 hours it would have taken to drive the whole thing.

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